I am starting my own blog page on my website, www.colleencassel.com. I have some posts from a blog - colleencassel.wordpress.com which I will eventually transition over. So be patient as I begin to write.
I want to make this reading experience enjoyable and helpful. I will write on business tips as well as my love for health and wellness. It might be a great recipe or exercise tips, but I hope to strike a cord in someone. I am a firm believer that the mind, body and spirit are all connected to bring you greater success in business and life. Arianna Huffington recently wrote a post about how "Big Business Finally Learns that Wellness is Good Business" linkedin.com/today/post/art She and others are absolutely right. As I look back and remember changing how I took care of my own health, my attitude also changed. Combining good food, exercise and mindfulness puts you on the path to better living. Take a small step, to appreciating who you are! Comment if you care.
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April 2024