By now we have all read that being an effective leader can increase production and improve overall results for many companies. When someone experiences working for a true leader, they have trust, they work harder, and they are loyal. So what does being an effective leader really mean? Research shows us that it is not just having intelligence but it is when leaders truly use their inherent personal capabilities or emotional intelligence skills that they truly become exceptional leaders. There are numerous qualities that make a leader great, but I like to consider the 4 C’s of leadership, the essence of individuals and teams. When you consider these qualities, you also realize that these are the same skills that you can use in your personal life that can make it equally successful. It is an exceptional leader that can connect the dots between their job and their personal life and see how they work together. Clarity is about being focused and believing in your vision. Leaders know what they want to achieve, what to look for, and what to watch out for. They have a reference point of organization and know the steps that they must take to accomplish their goal. Clarity is the base of action in which individuals and teams are inspired to find solutions. Courage is about making first attempts and pursuing your actions despite obstacles. A leader must have courage to take risks and be accountable if things don’t go the way they were meant to. It is stepping up to the plate and letting go of control to trust in yourself and the outcomes. Courage is within us and it is letting go of the fear and embracing the change. Creativity is now considered the MOST important quality for leadership in business according to an IBM study. Having the ability to create something that is novel and top of mind makes creativity so important in today’s world. But what makes creativity such a challenge is the lack of time CEO’s have to brainstorm, experiment, and think outside the box. True leaders recognize the need and importance for innovation and creativity and building teams that can collaborate and share ideas freely. Compassion is when leaders have empathy and awareness of individuals and teams. This doesn’t mean that leaders are soft and therefore business does not get done. But it is when leaders recognize their teams as people; it is when they connect with them and understand their feelings. Research has shown that strong positive emotions produce superior results, and leaders who connect with their feelings are more compassionate. Leaders who are compassionate have less stress, are energized, and renewed in their roles. When leaders take a step back and reflect on their own behaviors, they find the qualities within themselves to lead. A true leader will get results when they are positive, invest in strengths, surround themselves with teams, and understand employees as people. Is your organization interested in improving leadership skills, productivity, and simply working better and smarter? Upstream Solutions trains organizations and individuals to “Create Within, Lead Throughout,” to increase the effectiveness of their leaders and teams, build thriving work environments and develop career direction.
With life moving at lightening speed and constant connectivity, how do we stay on top of our goals? We are often too busy to keep track of everything we need to do and want to accomplish. Whether you are a business owner, working for a company or are in charge of your home, you experience overload. Staying on top of your short and long term goals is difficult but DOABLE. I have found that if I use the TMY3 Plan I stay focused on my goals and I am able to make things happen. The success to any goal is being clear, focused and positive about what you want. When your goals are manageable and within reach they are easier to achieve. T stands for three things you want to accomplish each day. Write down three things you want to get done each morning or the night before and concentrate on those 3 goals. Make sure they are doable. They can be super simple such as making a call to a new prospect, coming up with an idea for a new blog post or touching base with an old friend. Whatever they are, refer to them throughout the day to make sure you are on target to completing your daily goals. M stands for a 3 month goal. What is the one project that might take a little longer to accomplish but it is necessary for your success? The goal can be rewriting your linkedin profile, contacting a larger client that you want to work with or planning a vacation that you haven't taken in a while. You realize that accomplishing this goal is key to your long term success. You don't have to work on it each day but putting a little time and effort towards the goal each week will have it completed within 3 months. Y stands for your 3 year goal. We all have long term plans but when they are too far out we often disregard them. Try working on a 3 year goal. It might be a move to a new city or state, a new career or doubling your sales. Think about what you really want and write down the goal. When you write down your goals you are more likely to achieve them. Take a few steps each month towards your goal and believe that you will accomplish it. A Harvard Study written in Forbes Magazine showed that those that had goals and wrote them down earned 10x more than those that did not write their goals down. Having clear, measurable goals will keep you motivated and on track to what you want to accomplish. Since the New Year is upon us, this is the perfect time to put new practices into place. Try the TMY3 Plan and let me know if it helps. Leave a comment and thank you for reading. You were told as a child to read, now as you get older you realize that there is so much to learn. What better way than to #read a book. Like many people, they read multiple books at a time and on different topics. On my night table right now, the books are all #business related.
What are your favorite books on business? INC Magazine polled some of the top successful business people and they rated Good to Great by Jim Collins as the Number One Business Book. One of the books I am now reading and enjoying is #FOCUS, The Hidden Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman. Whatever you are reading, you are always #learning. Make it a goal of yours to read at least one book a month, if not more than that. What Business Book are you reading now and enjoying? Leave a comment. |
April 2024