![]() Have you ever thought about trying something new that you didn't know if you could do. The range of thoughts from fear, excitement, a challenge, all come to the surface. But it is these lessons that make you a stronger person and a better leader. What happens to the leaders at work that never try? They stick to the status quo in light of rocking the boat. But what does an enthusiastic employee think when their boss doesn't want to try something new? When they implore their boss to try new things, ideas that are pretty much guaranteed to work, but their requests get no traction. The employee begins to wonder. Is the boss lazy or just afraid of what might happen if it doesn't work. Does this sound familiar? There is power in the word YES. When the boss says YES, new doors open. Not only are employees encouraged to try new things, but the organization begins to have life. Think of the new ideas that can spur from a simple thought or change. Employees want to feel appreciated and know that they are making a difference. When leaders go outside their comfort zone, employees are excited and engaged. Remember, that doing the same old things, although easy, become boring. When bordom creeps in, leaders and employess no longer feel engaged and productivity stands still. Say YES and watch new possibilities arise. Ask for HELP. When leaders realize that they don't have all the answers, a sense of reality comes to life. There is no one, that knows everything. That asking for help is not a sign of weakness but the start to learning and growing. A true leader is humble and is OK with Asking for help. With humility, one realizes that they don't have all the answers. A leader surrounds oneself with others that can provide valuable insight and input. A leader stands amongst his troops not above his troops. He asks for help as he knows, that it is in WE that great things come to life. Get PERSONAL. A leader that gets personal and is relateable connects with his employees. He knows his employees, their families and their values. Getting personal brings you to a level in which you can relate. When a leader gets personal with his employees, he is able to break down barriers. Laughter and other emotions can occur, when employess are connected. Research has shown that when employees can relate to their bosses, they are more loyal and motivated to work. Understanding the values of your employees is key. Employees are motivaed by different things, some by money, others time. Get to know your employees and what matters to them personally. The positive qualities of "Asking for Help", "Getting Personal" and "Saying Yes", make an environment that is safe and productive. When employess feel safe, valued and are connected; they are energized, creative and perform at a higher level. As a result, both leaders and employees feel proud of what they are doing and enjoy their work. Colleen Cassel is a speaker, facilitator and coach working with individuals and organizations to impact growth solutions and create culture change. She also consults for The Potential Project, the global leader in Mindful training to improve performance, productivity, focus and creativity. Contact Colleen at[email protected] for further information on how she can help you and your organization transform for success.
April 2024