Meditation is all the rage and for good reason. #Celebrities, Business Men and #Women, Moms, and even kids are taking the time to meditate. Whether it is for 20 minutes or just 2 minutes a day. Meditation is the secret to a happy and more productive life. The benefits of meditation are endless both personally and professionally. I meditate daily and love it. I am so grateful that I started and have definitely seen the benefits. Like most people, we often pick up a hobby or activity because we are searching for an improvement or a new way to do things. Stress plays a big part in us choosing to find new avenues. It is not always monumental stress, but often a desire to find an answer to an everyday life situation. Meditation will do just that for you. It can relieve stress, fear, frustration and bring a sense of calm and peace to your day. Through meditation, we become quiet in our brain and find stillness for a few minutes. This stillness enables us to become centered, responding to situations with more awareness. It can help us to notice our triggers and choosing how we want to react to them, thinking more clearly and deciding before we act. With meditation we experience moments of #creativity, compassion, empathy and love. Taking away the worry and anxiety we often carry. Besides the emotional benefits there are #health benefits, such as reduced joint pain and lower blood pressure to name a few. Science tells us that it is the act of sitting in thought, that offers the #health benefits, changing the structure of the brain and increasing the gray matter. It is the gray matter that is associated with stress reduction and emotional stability. How do you begin? It is easy and there are many variations. But you can start by sitting still with your back straight, take a few deep breaths, and then settle into a steady flow of relaxed breathing. Become present in the moment, either by reciting a mantra or if your mind begins to wander, go back to your breath for stillness. The more you practice meditation, the easier you will find it is to sit still without your mind wandering. Do you have the time? You may say you don't have the 10 or 15 minutes to sit still. But, start small. As with everything in life, it is about taking the initial steps. You will begin to see the benefits and enjoy the stillness. Your few minutes will grow to 5, then 10, you may even begin to meditate twice a day, once in the morning and later in the evening. I started to meditate when I began listening to the #Oprah-Deepak 21 Day meditation series. I loved it and still listen to them. I often meditate on a walk and although it is not the suggested method of sitting in a chair, the sense of calm I experience opens my mind for more creativity, peace and intuitive thought to handle whatever life throws at me professionally or personally. Give it a shot. I promise, it will be the best ten minutes you experience. Let me know if you meditate and your experience.
You have an incredible idea for your business and or product launch, but are others going to think like you do? You have the enthusiasm, drive, and passion for your idea, but have you done your research? One of the first and most important things you can do in starting a business or introducing a new product, is research. Many businesses don’t always take the time to do the research prior to a product or business launch but the effort it takes can save you a ton of money and aggravation. Research should be done not only at the beginning of the cycle but on a continual basis to keep in touch with the market trends, your competition and your client’s changing needs. Good research will ultimately mean an increase in sales, a savings to your bottom line, and the competitive edge you need to be successful. The type of research you need to take will all depend on whether you are starting a new business or introducing a new product. Regardless, you have to know who your present and potential clients are and their problems that you are trying to solve. You can conduct research, online through web searches, periodicals, trade associations, and focus groups to under stand your market and clients. Knowing your present and potential clients and their wants and needs, is extremely important. The information you must gather is basic demo graphic information such as income, age, sex, occupation, household size, location and even hobbies. As well as their likes, dislikes and what might be missing about the product or business idea. Remember, although the process may seem arduous, and you need to make some tweaks to the original plan, the information you receive will ultimately save you money and time before expanding the product to your full client base. Besides the research, you have to believe in your product and have the passion to put the work in. If you have completed the research and you have made the necessary changes to your business idea or project, move forward with confidence. Remember passion, drive, research and motivation will make your business a success. Success is one of those words that can have many different meanings, often depending on who is describing it. The Webster dictionary, tells us that success is an achievement of ones goals, wealth, honors, etc.
I believe the real definition lies within the person who is using it. It is in the progress that was performed and not the end result. Take a child who is able to compete in a sporting event. The success came in his/her ability to enter the race and not the gold medal he/she may or may not have won. The beauty of success is in the meaning of what it holds for us individually. Let’s take a look at what truly #successful people say. As you will read, it is not always about money, but more about taking control of your thoughts and what you are able to give back. Henry Ford, “coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” Albert Einstein, “try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” Booker T Washington, “success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which he has overcome.” Winston Churchill, “success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the #courage to continue that counts.” Vince Lombardi, “the price of #success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” George S Patton, “I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.” Finally….. Ralph Waldo Emerson, “to laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate the beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; This is to have succeeded." You ask, what is my definition of success? Well for me, it is a lot of things, balance and abundance in love, life and business. I want to be able to give back to women less fortunate than myself, each step whether small or big, will be a direction towards me feeling like I have achieved success. Share your meaning of success, make it contagious. Leave a comment. As you have seen all over the media, online, and in conversation among friends and family, the Ice Bucket Challenge is making a HUGE splash. Let me start by saying, the #IceBucketChallenge is a movement to raise money and awareness for ALS. The ALS Association announced it has surpassed $10 million in “Ice Bucket” donations as of Saturday, August 16, 2014, far surpassing last years donations during the same period.
Why the tremendous outpouring of generosity and interest from thousands of people? Besides, being a truly worthy cause, the campaign is also working because it is: Unique and Fun, the challenge is not just asking people to write a check to a wonderful cause, it is about getting people involved in a fun manner. People love to be a part of something. Seeing others do it, laughing, makes you want to join. Memorable, having people post their #IceBucketChallenge online can be saved and shared among friends and family, remembered forever. Call to Action, #Grassroots Marketing, the call to action to donate money is done in a subtle way. You are asked to take the challenge but while you are at it, in the back of your mind, you also want to write a check. Grassroots marketing or sometimes known as guerilla marketing, starts from the ground up. It is targeting your efforts to a small group in hopes that the group spreads your message to larger audiences. That it did! Have you taken the challenge? If you want to be a part of a #great movement, understand more about the challenge and ALS, please go to The ALS Association’s mission includes providing care services to assist people with ALS and their families through a network of chapters working in communities across the nation and a global research program focused on the discovery of treatments and eventually a cure for the disease. For more information visit, You are super excited to start a business. You have decided that you are going to finally leave your Corporate job and do something that matters and gives you the freedom you have been craving. But like a deer in headlights, you get hit with a feeling and you can't move. It is the BIG F word, no, not the one you want to SAY but that feeling that is so powerful, FEAR. According to Webster, the word Fear is a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined. There are many types of fears but how do you overcome them and prevent them from you achieving your dream. For me, I experienced that same fear. I wanted desperately to start my own business but I was always finding an excuse. Was that excuse "fear", absolutely. Thankfully I worked through my fears and started doing and acting without fear controlling me. Do I still get fearful, you bet. But there are techniques that you can do, to overcome your fears so you can move forward. It starts with learning how to control your mind, your responses, and your conduct. Gradually you will find freedom from your fears. Acknowledge and Own your Fear. Write down your fear. Name it and admit that you want to overcome it. Facing your fears head on, every time and be determined to conquer them. Believe in your story. Control your Imagination: Fear thrives when we imagine the worst. Our imagination allows us to project into the future so we can plan ahead. But, misusing our imagination can cause more harm. Rethink your thoughts, remembering another scary situation and how you conquered your fear. Picture what you want: Take charge of your mind and envision the outcome you want to achieve. Create a picture or vision board of what you want, being descriptive so you believe it is yours. Gratitude: Whenever you feel fear, switch it to what you are grateful for instead. Find gratitude in the opportunity. For example, because of your business idea, many people will benefit and their problem will be solved. Persevere: When something seems impossible to get past, stay determined. Don't let other people hold you back. Surround yourself with positive people and know you have control of your future and the power to determine your path. Lastly, Understand Failure. When you realize that failure is not the end of the world, you become free. Sometimes failure is the lesson learned and the path to success. What is your fear? Leave a comment and helps others who are facing fears. Upstream Solutions works with entrepreneurs to navigate new age marketing, to move their business forward for success. Connect, Create and Grow at Upstream Solutions. Colleen Cassel is founder of Upstream Solutions. A leadership strategist and personal development coach, working with entrepreneurs who won't let hurdles get in their way. An avid wellness enthusiast, blogger, and entrepreneur, excited to work with you. "Do it differently and you will do it right" #stand out and #believe in yourself!
I don't usually write about exercise but I thought I would try something different. Plus I know I should exercise and I don't really want to. I am sitting here after a long fun weekend of eating, drinking and more eating, and the last thing on my mind is to exercise. What is it about exercise that makes it so difficult at times to motivate yourself to do it? Probably because it is so easy to NOT DO IT. But we all know the benefits of exercising, so we try to incorporate it into our lives. What if we were to look at exercising differently? Instead of thinking of the drudgery of exercising, such as sweating during a run or lifting weights that are too heavy, envision the end result that you want. Whether that is lying on a beach in a great bathing suit, becoming more successful, seeing yourself in a fabulous outfit, wanting more energy or just feeling happier about yourself. That is the thinking we need to adopt to get us off the couch. Envision what you want, say it and believe in it. It is similar to work. We all don't love going to work, but we go because we love seeing the paycheck that arrives in the mail. Try it for exercise, start small and build upon it. Think about what you want and make it a happy thought, one that you are excited to reach for. Incase you forgot, below is a list of the benefits of exercising:
So for today or this week, think about what you would like. Maybe it is that dress or bathing suit. For me, I want more energy. So when you think about going to the gym or for a run, close your eyes, envision the goal, put a smile on your face and know it is yours! What would you like? Comment below. Everyone is always looking to find time, but there never seems to be enough. Time for friends, family, exercise, work, or just time to relax. Research has shown that not only being "too busy" is unproductive but not all that healthy for us. The benefits of meditation, vacation, time away from the office, napping and time spent in the outdoors can actually sharpen our minds. With downtime the brain becomes more productive, creative and performs at higher levels. So what are we to do and how do we manage our time to get everything done. They do say, "busy people are happy people".
It is easy to have those days when everything is cranking. Life is good, but then you hit a bump in the road. It is often the simple steps that we ignore that hold the answer to our future success. Business and life are so intertwined that the balance of life affects your business. As you have heard, "how you show up in life is how you show up in business." Do you recognize any of the steps below that perhaps you have ignored. Take a look again and try incorporating at least one, if not all.
Well, I am probably breaking all the rules of blogging but it is Saturday and here I am. You tell yourself, that you are only going to work for a few hours, but then you look at the clock and hours later you are still there. One project leads to the next. Then you debate, do you just continue and forget about having a life.... I tell myself, just another hour and let me do that one last thing that I was supposed to handle on Friday.
As I said, I will continue to write about what got me to this place and how I am progressing. I always wanted to own my own business and do what I loved. For me, that was helping people run their business from the experience I learned after a fabulous, fun career in Corporate America. Lesson One for a Saturday. Get a life!!! Realize you can not work all the time and actually meeting people when you are out, helps you to grow. Not only your business but as a person. You will learn far more by others than trying to read every blog, and lesson on what you are doing wrong. Thanks for listening, and share a comment if you care. |
April 2024