![]() You have been asked to go to a conference and all the right people will be there. You are excited as this is an opportunity for you to meet important contacts that might eventually lead to new business. How do you best approach a networking event and make sure that you walk away with meeting the right people? Remember, people attend these meetings to learn, but they also go to make connections that are genuine. There is more success when you start to build a relationship with someone than thinking that you are there to sell them something. It is important that a connection is made, so when you do call at a later date, they remember you. There are 11 simple yet effective ways to network and build the relationships needed to close the business.
If you would like to increase effective growth in your career or business, try a strategy coaching session with Upstream Solutions. Strengths and insight uncovered, challenges overcome and your true potential unlocked.
![]() There are all sorts of articles and books on becoming a Mindful Leader and reasons it is spreading to many businesses including healthcare, government, education, technology, consumer goods, retail and more. The benefits are endless. As Arianna Huffington states, mindfulness is an essential part of being more effective and satisfied in work and in life. So what does it mean to be a Mindful leader? Ask yourself the following questions and based on your answers, decide if you want to learn more about being Mindful. Mindfulness is not about doing but about being.
As John Kabat-Zinn explains research has shown that a practice in mindfulness can change the way our brain is wired, functions and structured. With mindfulness, increased plasticity and chromosome changes occur affecting our well being and satisfaction. Mindfulness is a great foundation for a successful career, business and life. To learn more about leading and having others follow, contact Upstream Solutions. ![]() We are ten days into 2015 and I am excited about what the New Year has in store for me. I have learned from 2014 and I have new sights to discover. This will be a New Year of Thoughts, Actions, and Direction. For many years, I relied on others and things for my happiness and success. This year, I have realized it is up to me How I want to think, What I want to do and Which way I want to turn. After quiet time and introspection my words for 2015 are Positive- A positive mindset towards others and opportunities will open my eyes and world to new discoveries and choices. Happiness- Find joy and laughter in life. Life has so many things to be happy about, experience each moment like a child views their world. Gratitude- Realize all I have each day and be thankful. Life has afforded me so much and for that I am grateful. Love- Open my heart, listen and share my love. Have compassion for myself and others. Our best work is done when we treat and experience love. What are your words for 2015? This is a wonderful exercise to do. Get quiet, discover and unravel What is important, What you want to do and Who you want to be. Share what your words are for 2015 and thank you for reading. ![]() You are about to embark on a New Year and that nagging question keeps popping up. Is this the year that I look for a new job? Starting something new can be scary and not always easy. The reason you push it aside is because you think about it too much instead of taking action about what you really want to do. But if you have decided that you want to make the change then do the work and ask yourself the important questions. By taking the time to figure out what you really want to do, your next job could be the job that you love, make money at and flourish in. Make 2015 the year of making decisions about your career. No longer will you use the excuses; “It is better than not having a job” or “It pays the bills”, but instead “I love my new job.” What do you like to do? Take the time to ask yourself what it is you really like to do? What are you good at? What would make you happy? By asking yourself these questions, it allows you to dig deep and really think of things that you might not have thought about. There are many jobs in the world and when you give yourself the time to explore your values and what makes you happy you might find that there is a job that suits your needs. Write a list of 5 -10 things that you enjoy doing and are good at. Which one are you most drawn to? Now consider how that skill might fit into a job. Why do you want to leave? Look at your current job, what is it that makes you unhappy and want to leave? Is it the people, the lack of challenge, the skills you are using, location, commute, and pay? Taking a more in-depth look into why you are unhappy will direct you towards your next job. It might be that you are not unhappy with the work you are doing but it is the Company’s environment or leadership. This question can help you to narrow down what type of Company you would like to work for. Do I need more education or training? Once you have figured out what type of work you would like to do decide if you need to enrich your skills. You might need to go back to school or get certified. Join groups on linkedin, network and attend meetup groups to find out the qualifications others in that role have. Who do I know that can offer me advice? Get your network ready. Become active on Linkedin and reach out to old colleagues who can connect you with people in the desired field. Find a mentor that you can speak with and bounce ideas off. People love to offer advice and often ask you questions that you might not have thought of. What is my end date? Make a plan and consider the steps you need to take and the date you would like to make the change. Do a little each week to get you one point closer to your departure date. What sort of Companies would appeal to me? Take the time to research new companies in the field that interest you. Find out what the companies are paying and what the environment is like. Using sites such as Glassdoor or Salary.com will help you to find a range of salaries for a specific job. Do I need to redo my resume? Consider hiring someone or ask a friend to look at your resume. Perhaps it is outdated and needs revising. Resumes are often chosen via a computer and it is important to have certain keywords listed. How do I sound in an interview? Go on a few practice interviews. If it has been a while since your last interview, you may be rusty. Don’t waste your first interview on a company that you really want to work for. Did you know that Tuesday at 10:30am is the best time to interview? Have answers to basic questions that always get asked in an interview. Why are you leaving? What is one weakness you have? What are your strengths? And be sure you know the latest information on the Company. Are you considering a job change? Don’t waste anymore time. How would it feel to be in a job that you love what you do, get paid for what you deserve and know that there is a career path that you can be successful at? Upstream Solutions can help you. Contact me at [email protected] to get the job you deserve and love. Together we will design an easy step-by-step plan for quick results. 2015 is your year, so call me. Thank you for reading. Leave a comment and pass this to your friends. ![]() 2014 has come and gone and now it is a time to reflect on what worked, what didn't work and how to move forward into a New Year with open arms. I realize that you have to look at each year as an experience. Whether times are good or bad, you learn from each moment. For me personally, I ended many things I was comfortable with, but all to start a new venture and challenge. I left Corporate America, I moved to a new state and I left friends. But I started a new chapter in my life. When I reflect on the changes I made I now realize it took Courage, Trust, and Focus to take the leap. Courage because change is hard but I believe that we have a long life to live and you might as well enjoy it and experience it to the fullest. Trust the process. If you believe in something strong enough, inspite of scary moments, you can always lean back on your experience and knowledge that you have gained over the years. Focus to be set on your goal and don't waiver based on what others have to say, but have enough conviction in your beliefs to move forward. I always enter a New Year with New Goals and New things I want to try. My next post will tell you what 2015 hopefully has in store for me. When you look back on your year, what qualities did you experience and what do you plan to take with you in 2015? |
April 2024